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From the Desk of Rob K

Rob attending AWP conference in Philly 3-26-22

Hey folks,

Long time no post, eh? I’ve been hard at work on my book and happy to say I’m close to completion at last…just a few more pages and it’ll be a wrap! Thank goodness b/c it’s due on 3/31! It’s been a long haul. I’m also gearing up to attend the annual AWP conference in Philadelphia at the end of this month. On Saturday 3/26 I’ll be on a panel called On Comics Criticism: Graphic Novels as Both Literature and Pop, moderated by my Publishers Weekly editor, the mighty Meg Lemke. If you’re attending the conference, why not pop in? I’ll try to be interesting and entertaining.

The image here is NOT Marry Me's actual cover but just a quick mock-up to help promote the book a little at the conference. I’m actually thinking a wedding invitation theme might very well work for the eventual actual cover, but we’ll see what the Graphic Mundi folks think about all that…

More later. By the way, just mentioning again that I have a Patreon. Check it out sometime.

Please stay well everyone, and please keep the people of Ukraine in your thoughts,. And donate to help if you can afford it.


John Capecci